Nov 6, 2002 - At sea aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) - An F/A-18C "Hornet" assigned to the "Royal Maces" of Strike Fighter Squadron Two Seven (VFA-27) launches from catapult three, one of four steam driven catapult systems on the ship's flight deck. During a catapult launch the "Hornet" will reach a speed of 175 mph (152 knots) in 21/2 seconds and in just 250 feet. US Navy Photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Todd Frantom. (RELEASED)
This is the Royal Mace unofficial squadron roster. I do NOT have official VA-27 - VFA-27 crew roster data. Refer to cruise books if you're trying to verify if someone served with the Royal Maces. View Cruise Books here.
Total Maces in the roster: 494
Newest Maces to sign the roster:
Last entry: Wed Feb 19, 2025 - 9:50 AM
Mary Sawyer - Electrician, Plane Captain, Final Checker - 18-21 Mychal Hicks - LOGISTICS SPECALIST - 2019-2023 Renato Calimquim - Fixer - 78-80 James Enix - Power Plant Division - 2 Kevin Hammontree - Ejection Seat Mechanic - 87-91
MIYF27 Guestbook
This is the MIYF27 squadron guestbook. View or sign the guestbook below. There are guestbook archives dating back to 2000. Good place to look for a shipmate.
Newest guestbook entries:
Thu Sep 10, 2020 - 05:59 AM
Tom Cocci - 1977-79 Joel Guinn - 1980-1982 PAUL GAGLIANO - 1979-1982 Bob Dorais - 1979-80 - -