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VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1968 - Great picture of the first Royal Mace's. (Image Source - Rodd Karp)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1968 - Officers of VA-27. If you look closely, Lt Karp is sitting on the wing holding a Royal Mace over everyone. (Image Source - Cdr. George Pappas)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1969 - The 1969 Mace's. (Image Source - US Navy)
1969 - An Aviation Electricians Mate works on a VA-27 A-7A in the hanger bay aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - US Navy)
Jun 1970 - Standing: Lieutenant Walt Wishart, W01 Jim Moreau, Lieutenant Bill Matto, Lieutenant Commander John Patterson, Lieutenants Paul Good, Roger Johnson and Hugh Lacey, Lieutenant Commanders Herb Taylor and Pete Walden, Lieutenant (j.g.) Dar Ball, CW02 Dick Dreiling and Lieutenant Jim Fox. Unavailable at photo time were lieutenants Rod Karp and Rich Banks and Jesse Dawkins. (Image Source -CDR Ron Leverette)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1971 - VA-27 Royal Mace pilots. (Image Source - US Navy)
1971 - 1971 - VA-27 Royal Mace pilots. (Image Source - Tom Knudson)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1972 - Flight Deck Oct 72 - front (kneeling): LCDR John Park, CWO Dan Koch, Lt Rich Richardson, Lt Tom White, CDR Jerry Johnson (CO), CDR Bud Edney (XO), Lt Barry Wood, Lt Kevin Clancy, Lt Rick Clayton back (standing): LTjg Herm Tomer, Lt Don Schramm, LTjg Skid Roe, Lt Jeff Hanson, Lt Mike Shaw, Lt Royce Caplinger, Lt Tom Knudson, Lt Jerry Jacobs, Lt Dave Trousdale, LCDR Lee Cargill, LCDR Jack Donaworth, (CAG flight surgeon), LTjg Don Rockwood. (Image Source - Jerry Jacobs)
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1973 - Tail Hook Award: front (kneeling): Lt Tom White, LCDR John Park, LCDR Jack Donaworth, Lt Kevin Clancy, LTjg Skid Roe
rear (standing): Lt Steve Abbot, LTjg Rick Clayton, LCDR Lee Cargill, Lt Royce Caplinger, Lt Max Wyckoff, Lt Jerry Jacobs, CDR Bud Edney (CO), CDR Pat Patrick (XO), Lt Mike Shaw, Lt Rich Richardson, Lt Joe Connellan, LTjg Mike Dibello (Image Source - Jerry Jacobs)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1980 - Definitely not a Royal Mace bird but a very cool pic. This F-14 Tomcat from the USS Constellation made a couple of high speed passes by us as part of an airshow as we were being relieved from "Gonzo" station in the Indian Ocean. This guy put on quite a show. He was actually below our flight deck as he went by, notice the wake in the water. (Image Source - Bob Dorais)
VA-27 Troubleshooter
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1980 - VA-27 Final Checker/Troubleshooter in front of one of the Royal Maces "people eaters". USS Coral Sea, WestPac 79/80. (Image Source - Bob Dorais)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1981 - VA-27 Royal Mace pilots. (Image Source - John Davis)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
1984 - Air Show Indian Ocean. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1984 - This photo shows Cdr. Connel, Master chief of the command and an AD1 Head trouble shooter and an alert 15 Plane in our squadron. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1984 - While on a rim pac workup cruise this B52 made an approach at our deck. Image Source - Greg Lake)
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1984 - Plane Capt NAS Lemore 1984. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
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1984 - Night time at the VA-27 Hanger, NAS Lemoore. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1985 - Mickey Giley Indian Ocean. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
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1985 - Moon Rise Indian Ocean. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1985 - Man Your Bird. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1985 - My Aircraft. (Image Source - Greg Lake)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1986 - The flight deck troubleshooter gang from the 1986 WestPac aboard the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70). (Image Source - Alex Heberling)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1986 - The flight deck troubleshooter gang from the 1986 WestPac aboard the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70). (Image Source - Alex Heberling)
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1986 - Mace Plane Captains, one relaxing and one removing FOD from his air intake ;) - 1986 WestPac aboard the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70).
VA-27 Petty Officers
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1987 - Petty Officers of VA-27 taken on the flight line at NAS Lemoore. (Image Source - Ato Ignacio)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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1988 - Two VFA-27 (AM2(AW) REYES and AT2 LOPEZ) Troubleshooters hangin' out on the deck. (Image Source - Joshua H. Mann)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
1999 - Edward Polack launching a hornet off of Kitty Hawk prior to going to the Gulf in 1999. (Image Source - Edward Polack)
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Aug 22, 2006 - U.S. Navy Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Joaquin Ladson and Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class John Goodeaux conduct weapons inspection on an F/A-18C Super Hornet aircraft from Strike Fighter Squadron 27 on the flight deck of the Aircraft Carrier USS KITTY HAWK (CV 63) in the Indian Ocean. (Image Source - US Navy)
VFA-27 USS George Washington CVN-73
Jun 25, 2009 - PACIFIC OCEAN - Aviation Ordnanceman 2nd Class Michael Valentine sands paint on the vertical stabilizer on an F/A-18E Super Hornet from the Royal Maces of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 27(U.S. Navy photo 2nd Class Barry Hirayama/Released)
VA/VFA-27 Royal Maces
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2010 - Great shot of the 2010 Maces. (Image Source - VFA-27)
VFA-27 Squadron Run
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Aug 12, 2012 - The entire squadron of motivated Royal Maces sound off and show NAF Atsugi who's who during the first Royal Mace Pride Run of the summer! Hooyah! (Image Source - VFA-27)
VFA-27 Squadron Photo
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Aug 2013 - Great shot of the 2013 Maces. (Image Source - VFA-27)
Harlem Globetrotters
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2014 - The Harlem Globetrotters visited the Royal Maces.
VA-27 2014 Squadron
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Jul 24, 2014 - Great shot of the 2014 Maces. (Image Source - VFA-27)
VFA-27 Squadron 2014
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Jan 1, 2015 - 2014 Royal Maces.
Jan 2017 - The 2017 VFA-27 Royal Maces