50 / 481 / 1647
1970 - VA-27 LTV A-7A NK-405 USS Constellation NAS Lemoore. [Image Source - Tom Durant]
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
154351 [V]
VA-27 TU-16 Badger
1426 ●
1970 - Ca. 1970 - An A-7A Corsair II NK-415 from the VA-27 Royal Maces intercepts a Russian Tupolev TU-16 Badger somewhere over the pacific. (Image Source - US Navy)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
153237 [P]
VA-27 USS Constellation
1970 - Operating off the coast of Vietnam, A-7A Corsair's from VA-27 & VA-97 shown a busy deck during a launch cycle aboard USS Constellation CVA-64. (Image Source - Mike Dunlap)
VA-27 A-7A NAS Lemoore
1891 ●
1970 - A VA-27 A-7A Corsair II shown in front of the hanger at NAS Lemoore. Note the small Mace at the top of the rudder. (US Navy)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
153183 [V]
Jan 1970 - A-7A NK-403 of VA-27 with a full load of MK-82 bombs on a mission over Vietnam. (Image Source - US Navy)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
153262 [V]
VA-27 USS Constellation CVA-64
1512 ●
Mar 1970 - An A-7A Corsair II NK-411 from the Royal Maces of VA-27 launches from the angle deck of USS Constellation CVA-64 for a bombing mission over Vietnam. This bird was last flown by Lt. Rodd Karp when he was shot down over Tchepone, Laos. Read the SAR report on the stories page
here). (Image Source - Rodd Karp)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
153143 [P]
VA-27 A-7A's NAF Atsugi
16 ●
Mar 7, 1970 - A-7A Mace NK-407 on final to NAF Atsugi. (Image Source - Masaaki Hayakawa)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
154350 [V]
Mar 7, 1970 - A-7A Mace NK-404 on approach to NAF Atsugi. (Image Source - Masaaki Hayakawa)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
154346 [V]
VA-27 A-7A NAS Lemoore
1518 ●
May 1970 - VA-27 A-7A Corsair II NK-411 parked on the flight line at NAS Lemoore. (Image Source - US Navy)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
154349 [V]
VA-27 A-7A NAS Lemoore
1519 ●
May 1970 - VA-27 A-7A Corsair II squadron aircraft parked on the flight line at NAS Lemoore. NK-401 shown on the end of the row. (Image Source - US Navy)
- Type: A-7A
- Buno(s):
153183 [V]
1971 - Beautiful shot of two Royal Mace A-7E Corsair II's, NK-415 & NK-403 in formation with the moon in the background. (Image Source - Steve Russell)
1971 - Beautiful shot of a single Royal Mace A-7E Corsair II NK-415 with the moon in the background. (Image Source - Steve Russell)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
153237 [P]
1971 - Flight of three VA-27 Mace A-7E's, NK-412, NK-400 & NK-404 over Hawaii. (Image Source - Steve Russell)
1971 - Beautiful shot of a VA-27 Mace NK-412 flying along the coast of Hawaii. (Image Source - Steve Russell)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157440 [V]
1971 - VA-27 Royal Mace NK-400 over the Pacific near the Hawaiian Islands . (Image Source - Steve Russell)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157437 [V]
VA-27 USS Enterprise CVAN-65
25 ●
1971 - VA-27 Corsair II A-7E approaching the carrier for a trap. Was taken on the USS Enterprise CVAN-65 during the Westpac Cruise in 1971. (Image Source - Steve Russell)
VA-27 A-7E Philippines
26 ●
1971 - This was taken on a fly-off form CVAN-65 USS Enterprise Westpac Cruise 1971 inbound to Subic Bay, Philippines. Northeast Luzon is in the background. A-7E aircraft shown are NK-405, NK-406, NK-412, NK-411 & NK407. (Image Source - Steve Russell)
VA-27 A-7E Cross Country
27 ●
1971 - Two A-7A Royal Maces, NK-403 & NK410 on a cross country flight to Denver, Colo. in 1970. Pilots were Steve Russell, Hugh Lacey, and Matt Johnston. (Image Source - Steve Russell)
1971 - A VA-27 A-7E Corsair II NK-401 at an Air Show in Japan. (Image Source - Yukio Oishi)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157441 [V]
1971 - Two A-7E's from the Royal Maces of VA-27, Nk-414 & NK-405, cruise above the clouds. (Image Source - Robert L. Lawson / Naval Aviation Museum)
1971 - VA-27 A-7E NK-401 on display at a Japanese AIr show in 1971. (Image Source - Unknown)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157441 [V]
1971 - An A-7E Corsair II NK-412 from the Royal Maces of VA-27 sits on the flight line. (Image Source - Unknown)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157440 [V]
1971 - VA-27 Royal Maces A-7E NK-401 parked on the flight line at NAS Lemoore. (Image Source - Rene Francillon)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157441 [V]
1971 - VA-27 Royal Maces A-7E NK-400 parked on the flight line at NAS Lemoore. (Image Source - Rene Francillon)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157437 [V]
VA-27 - USS Enterprise CVAN-65
1433 ●
1971 - An aircraft director aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65 signals to a VA-27 Royal Mace pilot just after the A-7E Corsair II traps aboard the ship. (Image Source - US Navy)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
1971 - A VA-27 Royal Mace A-7E Corsair II traps aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - US Navy)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
1471 ●
1971 - Royal Mace NK-401 A-7E Corsair II rolling up to CAT#2 aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - Unknown)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157441 [V]
VA-27 USS Enterprise
1971 - Royal Mace A-7E NK-400 launches from CAT 1 aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - US Navy)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157437 [V]
1971 - VA-27 A-7E Corsair II NK-414 parked on an unknown flight line. (Image Source - US Navy)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157442 [V]
1971 - Several new A-7E Maces parked in a row on the flight line at NAS Lemoore. Bird on the end of the row is NK-411. (Image Source - Robert L. Lawson / Naval Aviation Museum)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157454 [V]
VA-27 NAS Lemoore Bombing Awards
Mar 1971 - VA-27 A-7E shown with bombimg derby awards.
"Attack Squadron 27 has been named the overall winner and recipient of the Golden Bomb in the COMFAIR Lemoore air-to-ground competitive exercise. Derby two. VA-27 also captured the Silver Bomb award for the A-7E(visual and hooded) portion of the derby and the Black Bomb for the simulated all-weather portion." (Image Source - US Navy)
VA-27 NAF Washington DC
94 ●
May 31, 1971 - Royal Mace A-7E NK-405 sits on the flight line at NAF Washinton DC.(Image Source - Robert L. Lawson / Naval Aviation Museum)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
154351 [P]
VA-27 USS Enterprise CVAN-65
32 ●
Jun 1971 - VA-27 Mace NK-412 loaded with MK-82's on the cat aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65.(Image Source - US Navy)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157440 [V]
Nov 1971 - An A-7E Corsair II attack aircraft from VA-97 refuels from an A-7E tanker NK-411 from VA-27, both attached to the nuclear attack aircraft carrier USS Enterprise CVAN-65 over the South China Sea. (Image Source - Robert L. Lawson / Naval Aviation Museum)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157454 [V]
Nov 1971 - VA-27 A-7E NK-401. This is the view we all had when entering Laos to work interdiction missions along the "Trail". This is a picture of Jim Larkin (me) taken by T.R. Williams. It was taken in November 1971 We were in VA-27 aboard the USS Enterprise. We are just starting a slight turn to the north to work with a Covey FAC in the vicinity of Tchepone in Laos. We have ingressed just south of the DMZ and are looking north at the Annamite mountain chain which consists of Mu Gia and Ban Karai passes. (Image Source - Jim Larkin)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157441 [V]
Nov 1971 - Closeup of Jim Larkin in VA-27 A-7E Corsair NK-401 rolling in to Laos. - (Image Source - Jim Larkin)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157441 [V]
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - Two VA-27 "Royal Maces" A-7E Corsair IIs, NK-404 & NK-412 await their turn, as another A-7E from VA-97 "Warhawks" is on #2 catapult aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - Aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65: Launching a VF-142 "Ghostriders" F-4J Phantom II. VA-97 "Warhawks" and VA-27 "Royal Maces" A-7E Corsair II's NK-404 & NK-412 await their turn. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - Aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65: Launching A-7E Corsair II's from VA-97 "Warhawks" and VA-27 "Royal Maces" NK-404 & NK-412. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - The "pack" aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. A-7E Corsair IIs from VA-97 "Warhawks" and VA-27 "Royal Maces", with an Intruder in the right background. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - Bomb-laden A-7E Corsair IIs from VA-27 "Royal Maces" (left and center) and VA-97 "Warhawks" (right) onboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
1069 ●
Dec 1971 - Two VA-27 "Royal Maces" A-7E Corsair II's NK-404 & NK-412 await their turn on the forward cat's, as another A-7E from VA-97 "Warhawks" launches from the deck of USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - A-7E Corsair II NK-401 VA-27 "Royal Maces", ready to launch from catapult #4 aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
157441 [V]
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - A-7E Corsair II, NK-405 of the VA-27 "Royal Maces" launches from cat #4, and NK301 (VA-97 "Warhawks") gets ready on cat #2 aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
154351 [P]
VA-27 USS Enterprise
1072 ●
Dec 1971 - An A-7E Corsair II, NK-407, VA-27 "Royal Maces" traps aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
- Type: A-7E
- Buno(s):
154350 [P]
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - A-7E Corsair II of VA-27 "Royal Maces" approaches for a trap aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. An A-6A Intruder, NK502, parked on deck. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise
Dec 1971 - VA-27 "Royal Maces"A-7E Corsair II's aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65 being armed for an attack mission over Vietnam. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
VA-27 USS Enterprise CVAN-65
Dec 1971 - Two VA-27 "Royal Maces" A-7E Corsair IIs await their turn, as another A-7E from VA-97 "Warhawks" is on #2 catapult and an F-4 Phantom launches off the waist cats aboard USS Enterprise CVAN-65. (Image Source - LT(JG) Sully Augustine)
1972 - Two VA-27 A-7E Corsair II's NK-414 & NK-406 airborne. (Image Source - Jerry Jacobs)
VA-27 Vietnam Bombing
29 ●
1972 - Two VA-27 A-7E Corsair II's NK-403 & NK-402 drop their Mk-82 500lb bombs over Vietnam in support of Operation Linebacker. Notice up to this point in time that there was no mace painted on the tail, only the "shark's theeth". (Image Source - US Navy)